Manuscript Submission

Submission Guideline

  1. Manuscript submission
    • Original research articles, review papers and book reviews, which has not been previously published, are considered for publication in Materials in Archaeology, History and Ethnography of Tauria. The optimal volume of an original research article is generally 40,000 characters with spaces. No fee is charged for publication.
    • We publish materials in Russian, English, German, and French.
    • Manuscripts are submitted in electronic form via email attachment. Alongside the text of the article, the file should contain an abstract of no less than 200 words in Russian and English (research aim, methodology, sources, main findings, and conclusions), a list of keywords in Russian and English (7–10 total), a list of illustrations in Russian and English, and information about the author(s) – name, patronymic, surname, academic degree, affiliation (place or work), e-mail, ORCID, Researcher ID, Scopus ID.
    • All illustrative materials should be submitted as separate files.
    • Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts throughout the year via email attachment to
  2. Formatting requirements
    • Electronic version of the manuscript should be styled as Microsoft Word for Windows document (*.doc file), font Times New Roman, single-spacing, 12 font size of the main text body and 10 font size for footnotes.
    • Dashes with spacing on either side are to be used consistently, excluding time and quantity periods: 1202–1204, p. 8–61.
    • Full stop, comma, and semicolon to follow the footnote index.
    • No extra line spaces between paragraphs. No styling, no columns.
    • Bibliographic references are added in square brackets as a code: order number according to the bibliographic list, page number(s), illustation number(s), for example: [1, с. 35–48, рис. 5,12; 5, р. 23, fig. 1,8].
    • References to illustrations cited in the article are in parentheses, with abbreviation “fig.” or “pl.” and the number after a space, for example: (fig. 1), (pl. I). The second-order number within a figure or a plate is indicated after comma, with no space, for example: (fig. 1,35; 3,9,12; 11,а–с), (pl. I,5).
    • Greek words and phrases should be typed with special symbols of the Times New Roman font.
  3. Structure of the Article
    • NAME OF THE ARTICLE (in Russian)

      The author’s name, patronymic, last name (in Russian)

      Affiliation, city, country (in Russian)

      Abstract (no less than 200 words)

      Keywords (7–10 total)

      Acknowledgements (including information about financial support, numbers of research topics, grants)


      The author’s name, (initial of patronymic), last name

      Affiliation, city, country

      Abstract (no less than 200 words)

      Keywords: (7-10 total)

      Acknowledgements 9including information about financial support, numbers of research topics, grants)

      Main text

      List of illustrations (in Russian and English)



      Author information (in Russian and English)

      Last name, name, middle name or patronymic, academic degree, affiliation, e-mail, ORCID, Researcher ID, Scopus Author ID

  4. Style of Illustrations
    • The list of illustrations is given after the text of the article in Russian and English. Illustrations (drawings, photographs, and plates) should have good quality, providing clear image, not bigger than 14х17 cm. Illustrations should be supplied in electronic versions with resolution 600 dpi and file format *.jpg, *.tiff. Illustration must not be inserted into the text file. Caption to every illustration should have a note, in square bracket, to the source of its origin, included to the general bibliographic list. References to archive or museum collection should be in parentheses. Examples: Fig. 2. Ground plan of the large cult complex at Tepsen Plateau [according to: 12, fig. 4]. Fig. 3. М. М. Kazas wearing turban (photo from the collection of the Simferopol Art History Museum).
  5. Bibliography
    1. Bibliographies must follow the Russian Federation State Standard R 7.0.5–2008 for references (РФ ГОСТ Р 7.0.5–2008 «Библиографическая ссылка»). In case of collections of articles and collective monographs, the bibliography must include last names of editors. Every bibliography must include names of publishing houses and pages of the articles cited. For publications having DOI, links must be provided. References to non-Russian sources must follow those in Russian.
    2. References to electronic publications must include all the necessary data about the source: name of the author, name of the publication, name of the website or portal, the URL of the publication, and date of access.
    3. Works not referred to in the text of the article must not be included into the bibliography.
    4. Bibliography Examples
      1. Archives

        Бабенчиков В.П. Отчет о раскопках средневекового поселения у с. Планерское, б. Коктебель в 1951 г. // Архив ИА РАН. Ф. Р-1. Д. 617. Л. 3–23.

        ГАРК. Ф. 315. Оп. 3. Д. 9.


        Айбабин А.И., Хайрединова Э.А.  Крымские готы страны Дори (середина III – VII в.). Симферополь: Антиква, 2017. 366 с.

        Якобсон А.Л. Раннесредневековый Херсонес: Очерки истории материальной культуры. М.; Л.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1959. 364 с. (МИА. № 63).

        Mathews T.F. The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy. London: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1980. 194 p.

        Культура Византии. Вторая половина IV – первая половина VII вв. / Ред. З.В. Удальцова. М.: Наука, 1984. 728 с.

        The Oxford History of Byzantium / Ed. C. Mango. Oxford University Press, 2002. 376 p.

        Articles in periodicals

        Айбабин А.И. О реформе системы управления владениями Византии в Крыму в последней четверти VI века // Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 4, История. Регионоведение. Международные отношения. 2017. Т. 22, № 5. С. 38–45. DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2017.5.4.

        Pülz A. Ephesos als christliches Pilgerzentrum // Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie. 2010. Band 16. S. 71–102.

        Καρατζογλού Ι. Το καθολικό της μονής Ευαγγελιστρίας Αλιάρτου Βοιωτίας // Δελτίον Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας. 2013. Т. 34. Σ. 41–52.

        Articles in collections

        Герцен А.Г., Могаричев Ю.М. Еще раз о дате возникновения крепости на плато Чуфут-Кале // Проблемы истории «пещерных городов» в Крыму / Ред. Ю.М. Могаричев. Симферополь: Таврия, 1992. С. 182–193.

        Mullett M. The Classical Tradition in the Byzantine Letter // Byzantium and the Classical Tradition / Еds. M. Mullett, R. Scott. Oxford: BAR, 1981. P. 75–93.

        Proceedings of a conference

        Храпунов Н.И. Виктор де Караман – исследователь крымских древностей (1784 г.) // ΧΕΡΣΩΝΟΣ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ: империя и полис. XIII международный византийский семинар. Симферополь: Ариал, 2021. С. 283–290

        Dissertation or thesis of dissertation

        Абакумова Е.В. Правовое положение евреев в Российской империи в конце XVIII – начале XIX вв.: Дисс. … канд. юр. наук: 12.00.01. М., 2014. 361 с.

        Electronic sources

        Виноградов А. Византийские надписи Северного Причерноморья // Inscriptiones antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae. Vol. V. Лондон, 2015. URL: (дата обращения: 07.10.2021).

        Weber U. Narseh // Encyclopaedia Iranica online. 2016. URL: (date of access: 10.07.2020).

  6. References
    • The list of studies must comply with the APA style standards (American Psychological Association). For more details, please consult the APA website Also, instructions can be found on the websites of many libraries.
    • Article titles in Cyrillic must be translated into English, journal titles must be transliterated and translated into English. The transliteration of the original name functions as the main name of the source and is followed by its English translation in square brackets. In English translations or source names in English, all the notional words must be capitalized. Prepositions, conjunctions, articles, etc. must be written in lowercase characters.
    • Latinization of Cyrillic text should be made according to the Library of Congress and American Library Association style (LC Style). We recommend Internet Latinisation service available at Proper names and names of periodicals must be transliterated or transcribed according to tradition (e.g. В. Янин = V. Yanin, not V. Ianin; Вопросы языкознания = Voprosy jazykoznanija, not Voprosy iazykoznaniia, etc.).
    • All the transliterated names of periodicals, collections of articles, cities, and publishing houses must be provided in their full forms without any abbreviation. When referring to a collection of articles, the name of the editor must function as a reference.
    • References Examples
      • Archives

        Arkhiv Instituta arkheologii Rossiiskoi akademii nauk [Archive of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. F. R-1. D. 617.

        Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Respubliki Krym [State Archive of the Republic of Crimea]. F. 315. Op. 3. D. 9.


        Aibabin A.I., Khairedinova E.A.  Krymskie goty strany Dori (seredina III – VII v.) [Crimean Goths in the Region of Dory (Mid-Third to Seventh Century)]. Simferopol, Antikva Publ., 2017, 366 p.

        Yakobson A.L. Rannesrednevekovyi Khersones: Ocherki istorii material’noi kul’tury [Early Medieval Chersonesos: Essays on the History of Material Culture]. Moscow, Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR Publ., 1959, 364 p.

        Mathews T.F. The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy. London, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1980, 194 p.

        Udal’tsova Z.V. (Ed.). Kul’tura Vizantii. Vtoraia polovina IV – pervaia polovina VII vv. [The Culture of Byzantium. The Second Half of the 4th – First Half of the 7th Centuries]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1984, 728 p.

        Mango C. (Ed.). The Oxford History of Byzantium. Oxford University Press, 2002, 376 p.

        Articles in periodicals

        Aibabin A.I. On the Reform of the Administrative System of Byzantium’s Possessions in the Crimea in the Last Quarter of the 6th Century. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriia 4, Istoriia. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], 2017, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 38–45. DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2017.5.4.

        Pülz A. Ephesos als christliches Pilgerzentrum. Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie, 2010, Band 16, S. 71–102.

        Καρατζογλού Ι. Το καθολικό της μονής Ευαγγελιστρίας Αλιάρτου Βοιωτίας. Δελτίον Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας, 2013, Т. 34, Σ. 41–52.

        Articles in collections

        Gertsen A.G., Mogarichev Iu.M. Once again about the Date of the Emergence of the Fortress on Chufut-Kale Plateau. Mogarichev Iu.M. (ed.), Problemy istorii “peshchernykh gorodov” v Krymu [Problems of the History of “Cave Towns” in the Crimea], Simferopol, Tavriia Publ., 1992, pp. 182–193.

        Mullett M. The Classical Tradition in the Byzantine Letter. M. Mullett, R. Scott (Eds.), Byzantium and the Classical Tradition, Oxford, BAR, 1981, pp. 75–93.

        Proceedings of a conference

        Khrapunov N.I. Victor de Caraman as a Researcher of Crimean Antiquities (1784). XIII mezhdunarodnyi vizantiiskii seminar “ΧΕΡΣΩΝΟΣ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ: imperiia i polis” [13th International Byzantine Workshop “Chersonos Themata: the Empire and the Polis”], Simferopol, Arial Publ., 2021, pp. 283–290.

        Dissertation or thesis of dissertation

        Abakumova E.V. Pravovoe polozhenie evreev v Rossiiskoi imperii v kontse XVIII – nachale XIX vv. [The Legal Status of Jews in the Russian Empire in the Late 18th – Early 19th centuries]. Text of kandidat. diss. Moscow, 2014, 361 p.

        Electronic resources

        Vinogradov A. Byzantine Inscriptions from the Northern Black Sea. Inscriptiones antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae. Vol. V. London, 2015. URL:

        Weber U. Narseh. Encyclopaedia Iranica online. 2016. URL:

  7. Reviewin
    • All the materials submitted for publications pass through obligatory reviewing. The editorial board’s decision to publish materials takes into account the reviewers’ recommendations. Following the reviewing, the article may be returned to the author for reworking. The editorial board sends to the authors either copies of reviews or motivated refusal. Not accepted manuscripts and materials are not returnable. In case of appropriate request, tThe editorial board will send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.